Ways you can help achieve zero hunger:

In the short term: Visit Combat Hunger Today where you can shop or donate directly to an International Aid Agency or a local food bank.

In the long term support regenerative smallholder farming:

Buy Fair Trade Kampot Pepper -35% of proceeds goes to ‘Help Farmers & Feed Kids’. A ten dollar purchase of the best pepper in the world delivers 4.5 meals to one or more of the millions of families suffering from disaster, drought, food shortages and armed conflict or can help a local food bank meet the increasing demand for nourishing food.

Buy Fair Trade Kampot Pepper

Become a Zero Hunger Ambassador and mobilize your family, friends, colleagues and communities to end global hunger.

Market systems have driven the development of an industrial agricultural system that has excessively low unit costs, at the expense of environment and people. For transformation to happen, we need market systems to drive agriculture that is regenerative.

Here are some key factors why market systems for regenerative agriculture address five of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

  1. No Poverty: Smallholder farmers grow 70% of the world’s food yet half of them are among the world’s hungriest people. They deserve a fair and equitable seat at the table. Fair Trade direct to consumer and socially responsible corporate and institutional purchasing systems can help raise them out of poverty while addressing other key UN SDG Goals.
  2. Zero Hunger: Global hunger is not due to food shortages but due to the unequal distribution of resources. Minimizing supply chains to the benefit of smallholders can address much of the socioeconomic inequality that cause food insecurity. 
  3. Good Health & Well Being: When you raise a smallholder out of poverty there are positive individual and community outcomes that include: reducing child labour and domestic violence, improved general and dental health and increased prosperity and hope.
  4. Gender Equality: 70% of smallholder workers are women and girls yet they control less than 20% of the land.
  5. Climate Action: A Rodale Institute report stated that ‘Regenerative Agriculture could sequester +100% of annual carbon emissions. Organic farming not only captures carbon it promotes soil health, prevents desertification, protects our pollinators and preserves bio-diversity.

There is certain poetic justice to this in that by working to eliminate hunger we can help heal the planet, mitigate climate change and create a more equitable world. Please join us.